As I write these words I have found the world to hold little interest in the historical event known as Great October...Russian leader Vladimir Putin cares little for past history unless it benefits him and his party...Putin desires to correlate Russian pride with the victorious battles over then Nazi Germany during World War II...he is also a big fan of utilizing the Russian Orthodox Church as a sense of shared belonging. Although in both cases...there is no argument regarding the basic need of a collective sense for the people of Russia. Nazi Germany during World War II despite funding from American Industrialists and Financiers needed to be destroyed. Although no matter the reason there doesn't seem to take much to rally the Russians against their historical foe...those despicable Teutons. Of course faith is a good general the Russian people are religious by their very nature...Even so, the Russian Orthodox Church has its own demons...the role it played leading up to revolution...and its failure to demonstrate repentance for said contribution. The Church worked hand in hand with Tsar Nicholas II...a doomed King whose reign would soon be a historical footnote. The Russian Orthodox Church and its head the Holy Synod had supported the Tsar's terror and massacres under the pretense of maintaining the Tsar's rule...
Conversely, Great October can be seen a great source of pride for the Russian people...demonstrating to the world its steadfast desire regarding life, liberty, freedom and dignity. The Russian people fought and died for this cause for decades. The rise of Lenin...holds no correlation toward those ends. In fact if truth be told...Lenin's writings and motives during the year 1917 can be best described as alot of deceptive nonsense...he himself was more of a flim flam man than a statesman...a man summoned to speak falsehoods in order to gain confidences...a man willing to sell his very own soul to achieve his own gains...setting the stage for seventy years of darkness in which the Russian people roamed. The Russian people should never be ashamed for their efforts to depose the Tsar and bring forth the light of a new dawn. If the good people of Russia were guilty of would be they have a trusting soul...easily mislead by those who share the term "TRUST ME".
Being that Soviet rule was so horridly despicable...the Russian people forgot the reasons and causes for revolution...forgot about the Tsar's abuse of his autocracy and the call for its end. Not just from workers and peasants as it is so often stated...but from men of his own court, some of his most trusted advisors, his own mother, his sister in law, engineers, doctors, professors, students and many more. Most all of Russia...except for his Budoir Council, the Tsar's wife, the Holy Synod and others who maintained benefit by Nicholas' continuing rule.
Current Historians deem supporters of the desire to depose the Tsar and their efforts toward freedoms as being fanatics or elements of criminals...and other disparaging terms meant to minimize and deter honorable intentions and good will. The Russian spirit can not and should not account for the greedy self righteousness of individuals in either case...whether it be Tsar Nicholas II or Lenin and his lot of professional revolutionists.
The irony of all this...Putin's unwillingness to remember the glory of the Russian spirit and its willingness to shed blood and die for the idea of freedom and dignity, contemporary historians disparaging words toward those who supported discourse and actions toward a new Russia, the silence of the Russian media adhering to aforementioned policy, the rise and return of the role in government by the Russian Orthodox Church without a mere mention of repentance for its role in the causes of revolution, the canonization of Tsar Nicholas II washing the bloody hands of both Romanov and Church leaders....leads Russia to a mindset that the desire of freedom and dignity can never come from its people...only from those who either are born into power, grasp power, and or are given power...
Yet be advised!...the Russian people are an intelligent lot, crafty and wise...and although Putin and the Church run rampant with suggested directions toward self improvement and pride...the Russian people are patient and willing to allow for self described champions of the people to do whatever they are determined to do...all the while knowing in their heart, in their soul...they, the Russian people, built a foundation for individuals seeking freedom and dignity that can at anytime be uncovered...utilized for future use when the bonds of tolerance are bent beyond reproach.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Monday, October 2, 2017
Great October Series: Helsingfors Meeting...Tsentrobalt speaks
“it was in its commune-like self-government that Tsentrobalt really came into its own, realizing the radical, democratic and egalitarian aspirations of its garrisons and working people, their insatiable appetite for social recognition, political activity and public debate, their pent up yearning for education, integration, and community. Almost overnight, the ship’s crews, the naval and military units and the workers created and practiced a direct democracy of base assemblies and committees.” Russian Historian Israel Getzler
Tsentrobalt Speaks
The Closed All-Baltic Congress reveals its work
It took twenty-two days of discussion within the Closed All-Baltic Congress...on June 15,
1917, the Congress ended with their work completed. Tsentrobalt's Charter and the operating policy regarding its new relationship with fleet command has been finalized.
The time has now come to address the fleet and share with its members the focused outcome. On a bright June day, a gathering of sailors at Senatskaya Square in Helsingfors would receive the word of its leaders. The agenda...exposure to the protocols.
The time has now come to address the fleet and share with its members the focused outcome. On a bright June day, a gathering of sailors at Senatskaya Square in Helsingfors would receive the word of its leaders. The agenda...exposure to the protocols.
Although....there would be other topics to discuss and address at this meeting of the Helsingfors Sailors Deputies together
with The Ships Committees.
The call to arrest Admiral Kolchak...
Comrade Chugunov took the podium and reported to the General Meeting of an article, that in such
a respected newspaper as Izvestia of the Petrograd Soviet of Soldiers and
Workers Deputies, appeared detailing clear malicious slander on the part of Baltic
Fleet Admiral Kolchak. Admiral Kolchak indicated that the Baltic fleet is in the service of
the German General staff and that the delegation of the Baltic Sea Fleet made for
the complete disorganization of the Black Sea fleet. Chugunov asked the Assembly to require Admiral Kolchak
account for the damaging insult toward the responsible Baltic Fleet.
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Admiral Kolchak |
After the issue was expressed by several speakers
illuminating it from all sides, the meeting unanimously, with 7 abstentions,
adopted the resolution proposed by Comrade Chugunov for the next edition.
The resolution stated..."After full consideration of the issue of slander in the press
by Admiral Kolchak: his attempting to influence the country, in which he inferred 'that the Baltic fleet is in the service
of the German General staff.' Admiral Kolchak was also quoted as believing he is being forced to leave his post
as Commander of the Black Sea Fleet. Holding responsible and deeming the delegation of the Baltic Fleet culprits. Kolchak added, "The Baltic Fleet which the German General staff commanded influenced the
disorganization of the Black Sea Fleet and inspired teams to arrest him and his commanding
officers of the Black Sea Fleet." Such slander only worked against the Admiral. The sailors knew the rebellious spirit derived from a much deeper exhibited by the sailors of the Black Sea at Odessa in 1905, 1912 and in Sebastopal 1905, 1906, 1912 and 1917
The meeting of the Helsingfors Sailors delegates together with the Ships Committees concluded to call on the appropriate authorities to consider all the above malicious slander of Admiral Kolchak…and based upon said slanderous lies toward the Baltic fleet to demand of the authorities to arrest him so that justice prevails.
Another topic for discussion...
...the question concerning the dismissal by the High Command of Commander in Chief of the Baltic Fleet Admiral Maksimov and the appointment of Admiral his replacement.
It was then Comrade Chugunov the speaker invited the assembled to hear from
the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Baltic Fleet…comrade Pavel Dybenko.
Chairman Dybenko spoke to the cohesiveness of working with Admiral
and the opposite phenomenon of entering in discussion with Admiral Vederevsky.
and the opposite phenomenon of entering in discussion with Admiral Vederevsky.
As for Admiral Maxismov
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Admiral Vederevsky |
Dybenko pointed out that the adoption of paragraph 14 was
approved by the fleet wide congress of the Baltic Fleet.
But…as Admiral Vedervsky cancelled the adoption of paragraph
14 this prompted the congress’ action.
Dybenko also read out the telegram Admiral Vederevsky sent
to the interim Government which clearly stated his opposition of the selection
for the post of chief of the 1st brigade battleships…Captain 1st
rank Zarubaeva. If this post is
selected…not appointed he would resign his duties.
Dybenko pointed out more than 25 speakers insisted upon the
selection of this post be approved by elected vote of the fleet and not by
appointment of the interim government.
At the end of the debate…the assembly voted unanimously with
one abstention adopted a resolution by Comrade Kireev as follows:
“Recognizing the principle of election on the ships positions
is the only correct way which alone
leads to the realization of democracy.
The Helsingfors Sailors parliamentary in conjunction with marine
committees commit to this principle and will defend this decision with all
available means”
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Pavel Dybenko's "Decree on the Democritization of the Navy of the Russian Republic" January 1918
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