Today, in the U.S., workers have no seat, no say nor representation at the table regarding the machinations of business. The business communities assault on workers for the last forty plus years has broken the will of many men and women. There are others who (against their own interest) advocate during conversation, "to alter the existing economic system would be disastrous for all".
By accepting the current economic structure (the distribution of wealth) suggest to the ruling classes the american worker is willing to suffer ever more. Which leaves little doubt further abuses, much harsher than exists now, will be "sold" as expanded and "beneficial" to whatever plan is in place.
Welcome to America in the winter of 2020! Where the stock market is hitting new heights and where workers are not sharing in on the great economic success so often touted.
Unfortunately, Francois Babeuf was quite clear when he spoke to bending tolerance beyond reproach. Continuing to send individuals to congress who won't even argue Workers should have representation in all trade agreements is disastrous for the working classes. We are their constituents, not the donor classes! The will of the workers can and should be spoken now...without hesitation!
By advancing the current economic climate...the inevitable outcome should well be avoided.
I often hear (via internet, tv, radio) various collective views or discussions on the topics of secession or revolution. Most often by groups who feel disconnected, apart from the current conversation of the American fabric. From far left idealism's to far right...the thread that combines all these groups who suffer from perceived grievances are economic and lack of opportunity. The past 40 plus year program to dissociate and disregard labor demonstrates well demonstrates as to the planned lack of future for many. As Alan Greenspan referred to in 1997,
"Suppressed wage-cost growth as a consequence of job insecurity can be carried only so far. At some point in the future, the trade off of subdued wage growth for job security has to come to an end."
That was more than twenty years ago, One's future is set in the path of ones' past.
For instance,
When one has no seat at the table--it is if (workers) don't exist. To have no opportunity to deliberate for wages, pensions and other necessary benefits and protections...indicates a marginalization of the entire working class. Yet...our labor laws are enshrined with ethnic based or identity based idealism that is inherently in violation of our constitution. Many view this "lawful" protection of the so called minorities only works to separate the workers.
The "protected" classes in the labor laws should well be comprised of "all" the workers. That is the distinction!...Labor vs Management, the age old agitation.
As I write this I pray the ruling classes pull it together and allow for labor to take a seat at the table of business...greed knows no bounds. The continued path of disingenuous and neglectful arrogance toward the working classes results in no positive outcome.
Pavel Dybenko once said,
"It is better to die for freedoms and dignity rather than to live without them"
I cringe to even think about those who call for revolution...the amount of bloodshed resulting from such activity is a horrific reality that most can not envision. I call on all wise men to use discussion, deliberation and compromise, fine American qualities, in charting out a path for a fairer distribution of wealth that benefits all. A process that denies men like Pavel Dybenko from appearing. Men whose plight would be to lead the disenfranchised to forcefully convince the ruling classes to submit to a more favorable society.
Although, at the end of the may ask oneself, Where have you gone Pavel Dybenko?
Saturday, January 18, 2020
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